Francis Lucille speaks about one thing: awareness, our true nature, the Absolute. This is the ancient teaching of nonduality, the common ground of Advaita Vedanta, Ch’an Buddhism, Zen, Taoism and Sufism, the same common ground which is at the core of the message left behind by the founders of all great religions. In a loving, open, blissfully peaceful manner, Francis leads us in “Eternity Now” to a deep understanding that what we are is love, the pure awareness behind and between all the activities of the mind.
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The Fundamental Question
The 3 Steps for Liberation: 1. I am That which perceives rather than anything perceived. 2. How do I know that this Awareness which I know myself to be is
The Perfume of Silence
“The perfume of Silence” is a book about enlightenment, spiritual awakening, self realization, meditation, awareness, consciousness, happiness, love, relationships, psychological suffering and human predicament. Based largely on actual dialogues between