2024 Thanksgiving Retreat in Temecula, California – Week 1
Click here to see the highlights of a Francis Lucille retreat (video).
The retreat begins on a Saturday at 6:00pm with dinner and dialogue to follow. It will conclude on the next Saturday at approximately 1:30pm.
The attendance is limited to 85 for the meetings and to 65 for the meals onsite prepared by the food co-op, on a first come, first serve basis.
Registration to the retreat secures your spot for the teaching events, but not for the meals. Reserve your meals directly with Sheyla, the food co-op organizer at: [email protected]
Click here to find more infos on Francis Lucille and his teachings, and to view some pictures of the place, located in the beautiful and serene De Luz Hills near Temecula, CA. The grounds include several patios, a swimming pool and a tennis court. The facility is open all day long to the participants. Basic WIFI is available.
12:00 pm – Lunch served buffet style
2:00 pm – Meditation and Yoga of non-duality session
3:00 pm – Tea break
4:00 pm – Dialogue
5:30/6:00 pm – Dinner
7:30 pm – Various after dinner activities may take place movies, talent show, classical or Indian music, etc.
The last day, we will begin at 10:30am and will conclude at 1:30pm.
REGISTRATION: A $100.00 non-refundable DEPOSIT is required to guarantee your space at the retreat. DEPOSITS ONLY are paid on line by credit card when you RSVP on WWW.MEETUP.COM.
The balance is due upon arrival by CHECK ONLY made out to Francis Lucille on a US bank.
FOOD CO-OP: We have formed a food co-op with our chefs preparing delicious vegetarian meals on site. The cost is $240 per week for both lunch and dinner and is separate from the retreat. CASH ONLY due on arrival. The kitchen facilities are available only to those participating in the food co-op. There is a $120 per week fee for those not participating in the food co-op to help cover the supplies, cleaning and maintenance costs of the retreat facility.
AIRPORTS: San Diego Airport (1 hour), Ontario Airport (1 hour) and Los Angeles Airport (2 hours)
HOTELS: There are several hotels to choose from 5 miles away. It is best to check online for a list and ask for a possible extended stay rate.
Two bedrooms with private bathrooms are available in the house for $1500 per week each. They have views and are more luxurious than comparable hotel bedrooms in the area. Reserve early with Sheyla to ensure a comfortable stay on site.
PARKING: Parking on the property is by PERMIT ONLY issued on a first come basis for carpoolers only. Contact Sheyla at [email protected]